What is learning?
I ponder..
Cooking or
Making a knife stand or
Shaping the clay or
Baking a bread or
Sharing about my life or
Singing a song or
Making my plans or
Sketching or
Opening a laptop or
Reconciliation accounts or
Painting a canvas or
Cooking a meal for dogs or
Doing puja or
Raising a voice to change the system or
Reflecting on my day or
Setting up TT table or
Plan a visit to meet an inventor or
Plan train travel or
Conduct fitness session or
Wash my own plate or
Read a book or
Write a story or
Stitch my torn clothes or
Clean my bed or
Know my emotions or
Give and receive feedback or
Clean drains or
Give water to the plants or
Broom a floor or
Explore about Gasifier or
Explore what is observation or
Know what is theater or
Paint a canvas or
Play with paints or
Solve problems in website or
Apply for job of Accountant or
Arrange for a TV to be transported or
Just listen to songs or
Act impromptu or
Play together or
Play games or
Cry over missing pencil or
Roll with laughter or
Scream in anger or
Sulk in sadness or
Play in mud or
Swing in swings or
Run in the foothills or
Meditate or
Is living learning?
What else is learning