Herramientas, our tool room was busy designing a Bamboo chair, making joints which will last longer, making wooden dice to just play and experience carpentry, make dumbbells for fitness
Ambrosia, our kitchen was busy cooking variety of meals to cater to different tastes, special food for b’day celebration, pickle, salads, kheer and cake are just some of the items from out list.
Aarohi ki Dukan was busy developing product, packaging and labeling.
Apollo, our dome was busy with pretend and play, explorations with blocks and maintain the resources.
Athena, our library was involved with choosing books of different choices, dusting, organising and repairing books.
Acropolis, our music hut was busy drumming practice, inspiring few more to drum and singing together.
Artemis, our gathering area was busy everyday with planning the week/ day each morning, playing games and listening to announcements.
Aries, our sports room was busy cleaning and arranging sports for the community.
Our land was busy planting trees after rain and waiting for rains.
Pepper, Coco, Pepsi, Caramel and Ginger – our cats and dogs were busy playing with each other and enjoying the attention of many people around them. Other insects were busy building and living at the campus.
Europa was busy with Jaatre and were busy exploring – Safety training, Torque, force, distance, motion, fulcrum, Pivet, DIstance, Long, short, Torque formula, angular and round movement,
Orion and Nectar were busy with thought club – playing games in community, Reflecting about the week through drawing and questions like “while doing anything when was I felt newness? while doing anything when I felt joyous etc”, Singing song of my choice or make a parody of my favorite song and recording our week.
Our land was busy with tree seeding together
And Kelamangalam market was busy with a visit to buy groceries for our kitchen! Small teams – first planning what to buy, why to buy, money, and then finally in the market in hot sun buying and buzzing.
Doing is a complex process; it involves observing, trying, failing and perhaps succeeding. It invariably generates peer interaction. It requires application of a complex set of thinking skills. It is non linear and often the learning is not obvious but deep. The week was not only about doing, but discovering what doing does to my mind, body and soul!