This session at the govt model school as part of Ennai Kandriya, was a different experience for me. Firstly – taking session alone for 58 children for the first time. Secondly session with benches and desk and no free space.Thirdly some children were in dance practice and came late, accommodating aswell, Fourthly PurposefulI did not take resources like gum, tape, and scissors. Fifthly, I created chaos seeing the creativity of children by just giving only 3 tape rolls which were not opened, SixthI was completely aware rather than enjoying the creativity and doing of children ratherconcerned for the noise created. Seventhknowing that children once into doing to call them back to circle time were difficult so missed reflection. Eighthchildren after doing “aunty see my creation” excitement was so high that I could not stop them or shout out for silence. NinthI was unable to take many photos. TenthReflection andcleanup were missing just to get back everyone to their space were difficult. Eleventh enjoyed the process of choosing group leaders by themselves, fighting, solving, letting go. TwelveI was mentally at peace being aware of little uncomfortable with noise.
Welcome:We did welcome without saying in words “Good morning” but with actions of pulling ear and movingleft and right. We started the session singing withactions related to the theme ” I am the King of the jungle” and then leading to “I am the King of my life”.
Setting codes:Codes were all set by action and not by saying – Listening while others speak, wait for your turn to talk, Choice to participate or not.
Grouping:Every bench students were made as one group and appointed a group leader. In choosing leaders, few had to give up their wish to lead, few had to compromise, few had to discuss and finalize. Group leaders distributed resources, so I made the only setup.
Activity:Children started with reading newspaper, wanted fresh ones, only English newspaper, not Telugu or Kannada, clueless what to do. clueless how to stick without gum and scissors and finally did and did and did – lollypop, house, duster, ball, boxing gloves, Bat, Books, Rocket, crowns, caps and many more. They used threads from bags, they used foldings, crumpling … and more creative ways.
Reflection on conducting session:My planning of welcome and song and setting codes and making groups and group leader taking resources all went smoother.