Question Habba – Rameshwaram


Questioning – not to find answers but to ponder. Some reacted with “it’s difficult to make 23 questions about the Marine Life”.

Some pondered

Some went through a session to explore questioning – The process of making questions from books – choose a word that I don’t know and frame questions, read and just frame question, read, comprehend and ask a question about comprehension sentence, it’s challenging to frame the question on what I read,

QUESTION HABBA for the trip to Rameshwaram began with each one of writing 23 questions to warm up to marine life – some of them are

How do fish come to India?

How do fish lay eggs?

Why stones in Rameshwaram are floating?

Why is water saline in the sea and also lakes and ponds are salty?

Why do bottlenose fishes have long noses

Do all whales have teeth

Why octopus has eight legs

If a saltwater fish falls sick, how to

How to rescue fish from the sea?

Why whales are so big?

During Tsunami was Rameswaram affected?

Are there electric eels?

What are the dormant species

How are coral forms?

What puffer

Which is the weed support arthritis

How long a sting fish takes to take his venom back

Can any corals be poisonous?

Can coral be eaten?

Do jellyfish have eyes?

What is the difference between scared and plain fish?

How fish looks like to each other?

How do they identify their own children?

Further reading to get exposed to Marine Life like Land formation, Maps, Geographical terms, Fishes, Animals, Waves, Plants, Weather, Science, Geology, Geography, Weather…the list is vast to start wondering about a topic!

Yes, this was the warm-up – each one of us reading/researching further on different topics of our interest to go deeper in the marine life – Seashells, About sea family, Whales, Geography, Shark, Venomous fish, Pufferfish, Butterflies of the sea, Formation of seashells, JellyFish, Breathing.

JellyFish has no eye, no brains, no heart, no head, almost made up of water, no bones, no spine or backbone

Speed of the wave – 5kms per hour, fastest are 56 km per hours

Butterflies of the sea – Sea slugs, they are also graceful swimmers also called butterfly of the sea, breathe through the skin, have no nose

Poisonous creatures the sea – False flowers may look like nothing but they are carnivorous, have tentacles to paralyze its prey

Puffer Fish – When a big predator, it’s puffed up, A dish in Japan called Fugu.

Angelfish, Blue face angelfish, Lionfish admired for their beauty

How are Seashells formed

Meditariam seas have no tides, In India two high and two low tides – Highest with the moon cycle.

Sea snakes are far more venomous than land snakes, four types of turtles found in India, BIrds who live off the sea – black-headed gull, white-bellied sea eagle

Biodiversity of the sea, the importance of the ocean

Turtles lay eggs and then come back after hatching

Bioluminescent – Glowing fish use light to hunt, its glowing bacteria

Located on an island, the bridge connects, sea area passage is called “Palk strait”,

And the journey has yet to begin!
