Revere the Reverence


REVERENCE means “deep respect for someone or something. This week was about looking at our life from the REVERENCE window. – Reverence for resources, opportunity, time, people, own body, skills, relationships, spaces, etc – whatever we have received.

What all will I revere today – how about living every day as a gift, how we can revere whatever we have?

Play blindfold – and experience the value of eyes, sound, support, other senses, self, a gift of vision, careful, cautious…this is how we began experiencing reverence this week

Play a game of blindfold in the team of three – listen, give instructions care for others, attention for the instructions…beginning to experience the various aspects of reverence

A session to understand fire to revere the natural resource we have – fire, cooking gas or biogas – what is easy, more precious, and how do we revere?

What do parents revere? A slide in childhood, a toy, a cycle, family, people, a Kurta, a bike, cats, dogs, Hero ink pen, life, life partner, computer, everything in house, repair, a pack of playing cards, cycle (60 yrs old), cycle bill laminated, homeopathy reference book, flowers to offer to god..Just stories, just sharing and that all! We revere you!

Each one of us got one thing we rever – a pen, a toy, as set of sketch pens, a tool, a mobile, and …gave to another person in the community to take care for an hour – hmmm it was difficult, apprehensive – will other person revere and care for my resource as much I do? It was just an experience – rest is all is a journey.

And a reflection on what resource did I revere in the day? What all revere’able’ things I did in the day? Food I rever, clothes I rever, dreams I rever, cosmetic rever, games, a gift you got, the person you revere in the day and that’s all!

And we revered the reverence in many different ways!
