white sheep on farm

Parents, We have no role, no responsibility, we are jobless

What is the Job of us parents? It is all about enjoying them creating his or her life?

A Man asked a shepherd, “What’s your job?”
Shepherd replied, “To get them to eat”.
“But they can find their food themselves”
Shepherd remarked, “To keep them safe”.
“But they typically take care of their safety”
Shepherd said, “To get them back home at the end of the day”.
“But they can find their way back themselves”
Shepherd was quiet for some time and he said, “Maybe my job is to just be with them.
“And what will you get by being with them”
Shepard smiled, “Then I can enjoy myself.

What if parenting can bring joy in our life by just being there.
What If I liberate myself from ‘burden’ of making them do anything and just be there.
What If I could ask myself what is my job as a parent? And I get the answer ‘no job’. What If I am jobless and then start fresh to add value in my child’s life than doing the job for which my child does not need me (like shepherd).

​In open Learning
we are jobless
the child does her job

​In open Learning
we have no specific role
the child asks us her needs

​In open Learning
we have no responsibility
the child takes onus of self

In open learning
we celebrate the relationship
not for, but with the child