
This week we were working on Writing. writing does not mean good handwriting – Some. expressed, they do not write because it is not good :-). Some expressed in reflection – it is surprising to know writing is not about only spellings and good handwriting, one said,
“this left me thinking”.

I shared. for me it is about expression and communication. One of the key things we explored was how many times we explore different kinds of vocabulary – we know many words like average, potential, friction, analysis, balance……..and many more, but rarely it comes in our
written and verbal communication. Many of us do not use new vocabulary often, and we continue to use the similar words. We rarely use mathematical vocabulary in our communication, we seldom use scientific vocabulary, we sparingly use musical vocabulary, inter and intra
personal vocabulary is not in abundance around us, often senses and expressions are not part of our communication.

Another thing we pondered over is the difference in written and verbal communication – how we write or express hmmmmmmm and aaaaaaaa and all those bodily gesture we use to support to our verbal communication?

Today we had some adventurous experience in train, as soon we reached campus all kids were eager to speak about and share about it, but when the same experience when they started writing, it was different.

Enjoyed exploring different aspect of writing.
